Getting Personal with Past Life Pieces owner, Emily Waldrup

Getting Personal with Past Life Pieces owner, Emily Waldrup

Past Life Pieces is a collection of thrifted and vintage apparel, along with shoes and accessories. Emily officially launched her brand on Instagram February 1st, 2021. Pieces are sold on Instagram through posts and stories. She also cross posts on Depop and is in the works of creating a website.

“The idea had been in my head my senior year of college after studying fashion and learning in depth about fast fashion. The hardest part was coming up with a name that I loved and represented my brand.”

Every second hand piece has a past life and my goal is to give it a new life.

What made you want to start your own brand?

“Ever since I had my first job at a boutique, I wanted my own store. While I studied Fashion at Texas State, I realized just how bad fast fashion was and small boutiques weren’t doing well. I have been thrifting ever since I was little. The thrill of finding a cheap treasure that not everyone will have. I got a lot of questions of where I got these pieces and my collections of clothes grew to where I couldn’t contain them all. Once I got my wear in them, I thought I should sell it to the next person, on to it’s next life. After I graduated, I moved back home during covid and couldn’t find a job. I had nothing to do but go through all my clothes from my past, my college clothes and all the unique thrifted pieces I have found along the way.”

What brands inspired Past Life Pieces?

“Not just one brand inspired me. More local businesses and people inspired me rather than big brands. The company Nasty Gal was a great story but she got big and turned into mass produced fashion. The community of vintage and second hand fashion inspired me and all the people I met and continue to meet on the way. I listen to the podcast called the “The Champagne Diet” by Cara Alwill on Spotify. She promotes business women, vintage apparel, positivity, empowerment and being an entrepreneur. Cara is involved in so many different fields and is successful in all of them and is a big inspiration to me.”

What was your mission when you started your brand? 

“To promote and support second hand and not buy everything new. Realize where you’re buying from, create a community, promote small and local. Donate or recycle and don’t add on to the landfill. To follow my dreams and bring them to reality. The more I learn, the more I want to do.”

How would you describe your brands success so far?

“I started PLP and hit the ground running. Posting on social media, local pop up markets, passing out business cards to anyone and everyone. I even printed QR codes to place around town. After 7 months of hard work, I have 900+ followers, loyal customers, models, photographers, and ambassadors that all help with my brand. My success is being driven, passionate and consistent.”

What is unique about Past Life Pieces ?

Past Life Pieces is unique in so many ways. I didn’t want my page to look lazy with clothes on a hanger and a price. I wanted a fun editorial, aesthetic page, with real people and good photos. I had friends model the pieces for me and we always made it a fun time. I had photographer friends who wanted to shoot my pieces as well. It was free marketing for me and free content for the models and photographs. My slogan is ‘I thrifted so you don’t have to’. Some people hate digging through thrift stores to find something cool but for me, that is therapeutic. PLP is hand picked, curated pieces, brought to you. One of each size and style, so if it’s gone, it’s gone. I tag all my pieces with my cute logo tags and wrap it like a gift and ship directly to you. I love communicating with my customers about how to style an item or hearing how they got the item and think it was made just for them. The clothes are unique, the customers are unique, and Past Life Pieces is unique.”

What do you think you have gained throughout this process of starting your own business?

“I gained a supportive community, friends, customers, and most importantly knowledge. I am proud of myself for following through and continuing to learn and grow. I am grateful for everyone who has helped me along the way to pursue my brand.”

What advice would you give someone who wants to start their own business? 

“To just start and don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid to ask anyone for help, advice, or feedback. I started with the little knowledge I had and asked anyone in the industry that I met along the way. Ask what worked well for them and what didn’t. Get involved and support other businesses. Another big tip is to be consistent.”

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